About Disciple Plan

What is this about and how is it done: The Daily Bible Reading is designed to help one draw closer to God and his Word through a simple systematic approach to reading the Holy Scriptures. This approach is designed not only for individuals, couples and nuclear families but also for blended and intergenerational families. Church families with fellowship groups of various kinds will find great benefit in doing them together. The 40 days to make a habit will aid in congregational oversight of this spiritual formation. The Readings: Five different kinds of biblical literature 1. The Psalms 2. The Wisdom Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes 3. The Old Testament Law and Prophets Readings (in Parallel Order) 4. The Four Gospels The New Testament Letters (in Parallel Order) Plan One: Some individuals and groups may choose to do both Old Testament chapter readings each day along with the other readings so that they can read the entire Bible through in a year. All five readings take approximately 20 minutes per day. Some may wish to divide the readings for different times during the day. The Apostle Paul read twice a day and following his pattern one could read the Old Testament sacred Scriptures in the morning and the New Testament Scriptures in the evening. One will also want to plan additional time for prayer around the readings. Some may want to follow the prophet Daniel’s practice of three reading times per day: reading the Old Testament readings in the morning and afternoon with the New Testament readings in the evening. The Intent: These readings are designed not only for an individual but also for a parent in the home; a sponsor of a home fellowship group; an elder or deacon in the church to lead others in gaining a deeper historical orientation to the Scriptures. The Vision: By offering these Daily Bible Reading plans many who will practice it will come to know God more deeply and walk in his way. This will enrich individuals and families in the church while transforming their personal, communal and public life to bring glory to God. Distinctive: The Old Testament writings are organized in parallel to help integrate the reader’s apprehension of the the writings of the Law and Prophets amidst the Old Testament history. The Wisdom literature of the books of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are not included in the yearly chapter-a-day cycle to allow for the daily reading of the this wisdom literature and to make it possible to read through the Bible with only one long chapter per day of readings. The Epistles are organized to help integrate the reader’s apprehension of the New Testaments letters amidst the history of the Book of Acts. The four Gospel books are not included in parallel or chronological organization but follow their biblical order. The Fellowship of the Cross is composed of those who engage in the Daily Bible Reading. We strongly suggest that you covenant with another Christian to faithfully read through Bible, pray for one another, to grow in your personal relationship with Christ Jesus ideally supporting you in prayer for 40 straight days or more to form the habit of daily Bible reading. Please let us know if you are using this material and any questions you may have and we will pray for you. You may then consider yourself a member of the Fellowship of the Cross. The Hope is especially for the heads of family households to model faithful and regularly Bible reading leading their families in family worship and Christian Fellowship. See the Fellowship pages for use in a fellowship group integrating the BiblePlan.us Daily Bible Readings and the apostolic fourfold pattern of fellowship (singing, scripture, prayer and food) for a family worship tool. Personal: These readings were developed by a former pastor, counselor, missionary and now institutional chaplain who has experienced the benefit of daily bible reading and prayer for many years. He has also seen the lack of the oversight and encouragement of this Spiritual practice within various congregational settings. Three years were spent in research and developing the reading plans including two probational years of testing it and refining it in many different settings including individual, couples, families, teaching it in home fellowship groups, and institutional settings. A solid core of church volunteers has emerged to do the readings in a facility for seniors for over twelve years in 2018. The feedback has been very positive for all who have participated. Contact: If you would like to reproduce any part of these materials please contact Chaplain Rev. Dr. Gene R. Sipprell for permission. The Bible reading plans have been copyrighted and are being offered free to all. Please write with your feedback and prayer requests. Email: Info@discipleplan.us Copyright © 2018 by Rev. Dr. Gene R. Sipprell DisciplePlan.us or BiblePlan.us Website Photos: The Cross Icon -This photo has been reported to be the farthest view received by the Hubble telescope. The Laminin Diagram -The protein that holds the body together.